

Sep 16, 2024

Why I'm doing this


Why? Because.

I'm stubborn and I've caught the self-hosting bug. It's a good enough excuse to learn more.

The long version

A few months ago, I got into self-hosting stuff. Little services like my own git server, and setting up ssh access to an old computer of mine from anywhere in the world. And it really clicked with me.

This blog is just another thing I decided to self-host for the sake of it. Because... why not?

I knew enough about making websites and putting them out into the world, but not enough to confidently say I could quickly spin up a backend for a simple content website (like a blog, yeah). I set it out to prove to myself that I could. If I learned things along the way, even better.

And here we are. I am aiming for this to become an outlet for whatever creativity I have. I don't get to play around with the front-end as much any more (I pretty much write SQL for a living now), so there you go: outlet number one, check.

The blog's pages are built with Svelte and powered behind the scenes by Pocketbase, all running from a computer sitting in my living room at this very moment (the same one mentioned a few paragraphs above). This may change in the future as I experiment with other ways of building things for the web.

Overall, my plan for this space is to share, at no particular regular schedule, programming things I've got going on, what's on my mind, how I build certain projects. It'll mostly be that, but don't be surprised if I throw in some random posts about sports.

See you around.